1965 / 4834 Views

Jim Smith, as a 2nd year head coach, took a 1-5-3 team in '64 which was riddled with injuries to Lake"s FIRST undefeated team in 1965 at 9-0.

Major accomplishments were:

  • First undefeated team in Lake's history.
  • Ranked 3rd in state class "A" behind Dover St" Joseph and Marion Catholic (only 2 classes at that time: A and AA).
  • 6 of 9 victories were against larger "AA" schools (Dover played no AA teams).
  • Led Stark County in defense (yards and points allowed).
  • First Team All-Ohio Bob Hood (Center, OLB) was the first all-state football player in Lake's history.
  • 5 players were on all-state team:
    • Bob Hood - 1st team
    • Dave Varner - 2nd team
    • Perry Bourn, Jerry August and Mike DiBlasi - Honorable Mention
  • 4 All N.E. Ohio District first team: Bob Hood, Dave Varner, Mike DiBlasi, Jerry August
  • 7 All-Senate Senate: Bob Hood, Perry Bourn, Dave Varner, Steve Varner, Jerry August, Mike DiBlasi, Bob Bolyard)

Side note: As 8th graders, the Uniontown players were on that school's first undefeated team as well which were coached by Ed Marshall who went on to post a stellar 18 and 2 record as Head Coach at Lake with undefeated teams in'69 and '70.

**SPECIAL THANKS TO Bob Hood for providing the Video & Information to LakeBlueStreaksFootball.com**

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